
Showing posts from May, 2022

On May 30, 1913, Irish leaders and local officials laid the cornerstone for Hibernian Hall on Dudley Street in Roxbury

On Sunday, May 30, 1913, Massachusetts Congressman James Michael Curley laid the corner stone for the new  Hibernian Building  on Dudley Street in Roxbury, before a crowd of over 5,000 people.  Curley was joined by numerous Irish leaders from the city, state and nation, including members of the  Ancient Order of Hibernians , which organized the project in 1906 to create a headquarters for AOH divisions throughout greater Boston. The ceremony was called to order by Patrick J. Larkin, president of the Hibernian Building Society.  Also on the dais were architect Edward T.P. Graham, past AOH National President Matthew Cummings, President of the Ladies Auxiliary Mrs. Ellen Ryan Jolley and AOH State President John H. Dillon. "The building will contain one of the largest dance halls in Boston, on the top floor of the four-story building, as well as a large banquet hall," and various smaller rooms for meetings and cultural activities, Graham told reporters.  "On t...

Deer Island Quarantine Station Opens on May 27, 1847, to Care for Irish Famine Refugees

On Thursday, May 27, 1847, Boston city officials opened a quarantine station on Deer Island in Boston Harbor to care for growing numbers of Irish famine refugees who were pouring into Boston and Charlestown on ships. The first ship sent into quarantine on May 28 was the Brig John Clifford, from Galway, with 64 passengers listed , ranging in ages from one year old to 78 years old.   Two days later, on Saturday, May 29, the hospital officially opened, according to Dr. John McColgan of the City of Boston Archives.  The decision to open the temporary facility on Deer Island was made by city officials after the Poor House in South Boston, which had been accepting refugees since April, was filled to capacity. On Deer Island itself, city officials built temporary wooden structures, designed as 'ship fever' wings, one for each sex.  The hospital was managed by Dr. Joseph Moriarity, the port physician, whose daily task was to inspect inbound ships and separate the sick from ...

On May 16, 1847, USS Jamestown Returns to Charlestown Navy Yard after Humanitarian Voyage to Ireland

Photo of USS Jamestown by  E.D.Walker , Marine Artist At 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, May 16, 1847, the USS Jamestown anchored off the Navy Yard in Charlestown, exactly seven weeks and one hour from the start of its historic voyage to bring food and medical supplies to the dying people of Ireland ravished by the famine. The historic voyage to Cork began on March 28, 1847, at the Charlestown Navy Yard, and "crowds lining the wharves cheered and waved as the ship passed."  The  USS Jamestown had arrived in Queenstown Harbor on April 12, after a 15 day journey.  There, the Americans were greeted enthusiastically by government officials and townsfolk for bringing needed supplies to people who were perishing in their small cottages and even on the road, through lack of nourishment and medical attention. The voyage home, however, took 24 days to complete, due to headwinds, calms and a gale. And when they arrived, crowds of people were waiting to greet them. Henry Lee's m...