Scottish Bagpipers and Irish Uilleann Pipers in Boston, 1954

Piper Patsy Brown A Boston Globe feature story called "Mystery of the Bagpipes" by Virginia Bright , published on January 3, 1954, gives insight into greater Boston's Irish and Scottish musical environment during that decade. The first part of the story focuses on the challenge of organizing Scottish pipe bands in the region, finding the right instruments and practice sets, not to mention the bass drums and kilts. Frederick Colvin of Burlington, formerly of Belfast, conveyed his efforts to start a band. It took him a year to find an instructor, Archibald MacLeod of Malden, pipe major for the Caledonian Band. Scottish-American activities were on the decline in 1950s Boston. The Boston Caledonian Club, in existence since the 1850s, held its last Highland Games Festival in 1956, according to writer Emily Ann Donaldson in her book, The Scottish Highland Games in America. The Globe story then turns to what it calls 'the Irish bagp...