Writer James Carroll Guest Speaker at March 17th Charitable Irish Society Dinner in Boston

Award-winning writer James Carroll is honored guest and speaker at the 273rd Charitable Irish Society dinner held each St. Patrick’s Day. This year’s event takes place on Wednesday, March 17 at the Hampshire House in Boston.

Carroll’s most recent book is Practicing Catholic, a deeply personal meditation on his own life as a Catholic, and his early heroes who ranged from John F. Kennedy and Pope Pius XXIII to Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King, Jr.

A long-time contributor to The Boston Globe and many national publications, Carroll has written three novels and six works on non-fiction.

The Charitable Irish Society was formed in Boston in 1737 by Irish merchants who banded together to help their fellow countrymen in the early days of the Bay Colony. It is the oldest Irish organization outside of Ireland.




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