Film on Irish Balladeer Liam Clancy at the Irish Cultural Center this Wednesday, September 29

A documentary film on Irish ballad singer Liam Clancy is being shown at the Irish Cultural Center at Elms College in Chicopee, Massachusetts on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

"The Yellow Bittern: The Life and Times of LIam Clancy" is a loving portrait of Liam Clancy, his brothers and musical colleagues over the past 50 years.  It has personal footage, including commentary from Clancy before he died.

The free showing, which is open to the public,  is part of Elms College's Irish Film Series. 

The Irish Cultural Center at Elms College opened in 1999 to celebrate Irish culture, history, and travel in the Springfield area of western Massachusetts.

For a full schedule of upcoming events at the Irish Cultural Center at Chicopee College, click here.

For year round information on Irish cultural activities in Massachusetts and the New England states, visit


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