Lecture at Boston University on Japanese Noh Performance & the Irish National Theater on Thursday, November 10

Carrie Preston, Assistant Professor at Boston University's College of Arts & Sciences, is holding  live demonstration and discussion of Japanese Noh and its adaptions around the world at a luncheon on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 12:30 p.m. at the Castle at 225 Bay State Road in Boston.

Admission is $10 and registration is required by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.  For online registration, click here.

A classical Japanese musical drama started in the 14th century, Noh Theatre was adapted by Irish poet and playwright William B. Yeats for Ireland's National Theatre movement at the turn of the 20th century.

Preston, who studied Noh in Japan, will discuss how Noh performance technique led her to  reconsider her own assumptions about teaching, learning and national identity.

The event is part of BU's Arts, Culture, and Ideas series, which gives alumni a chance to dicuss topics with faculty members.  It is sponsored by the BU Alumni Association and the BU Humanities Foundation.

For other Irish cultural activities in the greater Boston area, visit IrishBoston.org.


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