Blackstone River Theatre's Christmas Celebration Taking Place on Sunday, December 11

The 4th annual Christmas Celebration at Blackstone River Theatre in Cumberland, RI takes place on Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. 

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the door.

The concert features a host of well-known musicians from New England, including Aubrey Atwater, Cathy Clasper-Torch, Erika Damiani, Elwood Donnelly, Bob Drouin, Russell Gusetti, Josh Kane, The Miller Family, Mary Lee Partington, Torrin Ryan, and the Swamp Meadow Victorian Carolers.

For a schedule of concerts coming up in 2012 at Blackstone River Theatre, click here.

For year round details on Irish and Celtic performance in New England, visit


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