Irish AOH Commemorate the Brig St. John Calamity in Cohasset on October 5

A tragedy off the coast of Massachusetts that occurred 165 years ago this month is being remembered on Sunday, October 5, 2014, by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Plymouth Div. 9,

The event commemorates the Brig St. John, which  sank off the coast of Cohasset on October 6, 1849, while transporting 104 passengers and sixteen sailors from Galway to Boston.  The brig encountered a nor'easter that pushed the boat south, forcing it to try to anchor near Minot Light. 

Sunday's event begins at 1:00 p.m. with a Mass at St. Anthony’s Church, 129 South Main Street in Cohasset.   Irish singer Máirín ÃšiChéide is the soloist, and the Boston Police Gaelic Column are performing prior to the Mass and at the wreath laying ceremony 

After the mass and reception in the church hall, participants will walk over to the Cohasset Central Cemetery for a brief wreath-laying ceremony at the foot of the large Celtic Cross.  The 20 foot Cross was erected in the cemetery 100 years ago this month by the Ancient Order of Hibernians Men's and Women's Auxiliary.

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