Seamus Heaney & Robert Frost This essay appeared in The Boston Globe, October 25, 2002 By Michael Quinlin Robert Frost would appreciate knowing that the road less traveled leads to Lawrence , which is where Ireland 's esteemed poet Seamus Heaney plans to read tomorrow evening. Frost, New England 's favorite poet, spent his formative years in this industrial city, where he got his education, worked in a woolen mill, and learned to chisel the emotions, thoughts, and words of New Englanders into a poetic form as beautiful and enduring as the landscape. When he died in 1963 at 89, Frost had written nine books of poetry, four of them winning Pulitzer Prizes. He received the Congressional Medal from John F. Kennedy, and was the first poet invited to recite a poem at a presidential inauguration, a magnificent gesture from a president "not afraid of grace and beauty." Frost's preference for Yankee individualism in lieu of the homogeneity of...