Massachusetts Senate Adopts Resolution for Independent Ireland, March 19, 1918
On March 19, 1918, the Massachusetts Senate adopted
resolutions offered by Representative John L. Donovan of Boston :
Resolved. That the
General Court of Massachusetts hereby requests that the Congress of the United
States, if it shall be deemed expedient, shall recommend that the right of
Ireland to be a free and Independent country be considered at any peace
conference which may be held at the termination
of the present war; and be it further
Resolved. That
copies of these resolutions be sent by the secretary of the Commonwealth to the
presiding officers of both branches of Congress and to each Senator and Representative
in Congress from This Commonwealth.
The resolution was submitted to the Congressional Record by Congressmen
James A. Galvin, Peter F. Tague and George H. Tinkham and by Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge on April 3, 1918.
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