Irish Poet William Butler Yeats Lectures in Boston on September 28, 1911
Photo courtesy of the Burns Library at Boston College Irish poet and playwright William Butler Yeats addressed an audience at the Plymouth Theatre in Boston on Thursday, September 28, 1911 on the subject, "History of the Irish National Theatre and its Purposes." The lecture was part of a national tour Yeats was undertaking, as managing director of Dublin's Abbey Theatre , to introduce a new literary movement taking place in Ireland that he hoped would be "the awakening of the mind of Ireland." The Plymouth Theatre , located at Eliot Street (now Stuart) and Tremont Street, was a brand new playhouse, described as "a cozy, compact and home like-arrangement, with the seats in all parts of the house as near the stage as possible." The Abbey players christened the new theatre with their productions. The Irish plays on opening night included "The Shadow of the Glenn" by John M. Synge, "Birthright" by T.C. Murray, and "Hyacin...