Visit the Mural to Thomas 'Tip' O’Neill in Cambridge, MA


Legendary politician Thomas P. Tip O’Neill was born in Cambridge in 1912; his grandfather and brothers had emigrated in the 1840s during the Irish Famine. The famous U.S. Congressman from North Cambridge was the 47th Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1977 to 1987, having worked his way up the political ranks by understanding the truism he learned in his neighborhood: All Politics is Local. Tip passed away on January 5, 1994 and his legend remains intact. 

On December 9, 2012, to celebrate the centenary of Tip’s birth, the North Cambridge Neighborhood of Barry's Corner unveiled a mural to Tip O'Neill at the Mildred Anne O'Neill Branch of the Cambridge Public Library, located at 70 Rindge Avenue. The mural was designed and painted by David Fichter and Joshua Winer. 

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