Milmore's Civil War Memorial, the Sphinx, Unveiled at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge in August 1872

Image courtesy of the Library of Congress In August 1872, one of America's most distinctive civil war monuments was being slowly and carefully put into place on a massive pedestal in front of the chapel at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA. The Sphinx Monument was created by Irish immigrant sculptors Martin Milmore and his brother Joseph, who arrived in Boston in 1851 with their widowed mother and three other brothers, Patrick, Charles and James. According to records, Martin did the artwork and modeling of the Sphinx and Joseph and James did the carving. Martin Milmore Bust of Jacob Bigelow (1787-1879), Courtesy of Harvard University Portrait Collection The monument was the brainchild of Dr. Jacob Bigelow, a physician at Mass General Hospital, who helped to create Mt. Auburn Cemetery in 1830, and later became the longtime president of the Mount Auburn Cemetery Association. He was also an enthusiastic Egyptologist. Newspaper reports vary on th...