Kenny Loggins Performs with Boston Pops on June 21-22 at Symphony Hall

Music icon Kenny Loggins is performing with Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 and Wednesday, June 22, at 8:00 p.m.

Tickets to the show are $21-$91 and can be ordered online

As part of the American Pastimes theme of this year's Boston Pops season, Loggins is doing a special tribute to baseball, with a variety of songs about America's pasttime.

This summer Loggins is accompanying the Boston Pops on a tour of ten minor league baseball parks around the nation, where they'll be performing the baseball tribute.

For more on Boston Pops, click here.

For more cultural activities in greater Boston this summer, visit

For tourist information, visit or


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