Boston Massacre Occurred on March 5, 1770, Helping to Inspire the Revolutionary War

Two hundred and forty five years ago today, a violent skirmish broke out in Boston between occupying British troops and local residents that left five men dead.  Known as the Boston Massacre, the incident occurred after a week of smaller skirmishes and fist fights between the soldiers and Bostonians.  After some provocation, the soldiers panicked and fired into the crowd, killing Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, Crispus Attucks and Patrick Carr. 

Carr, an Irish immigrant who was walking toward the incident with fellow Irishman Charles Connor, was that last man to be shot. He lingered for several days, but his deathbed testimony helped exonerate the soldiers.

John Adams, the future American president, was called upon to defend the soldiers, proving that the American colony could put on a fair and impartial trial. 

The Bostonian Society is staging an event to commemorate the Boston Massacre on Saturday, March 7, 2015 that take place at various times throughout the day. 

Carr and the other victims are buried at the Old Granary Burying Grounds on Tremont Street, which is part of the Boston Irish Heritage Trail.  You can take a guided tour of the Irish Heritage Trail this St. Patrick's Day weekend, starting at the Boston Common Visitor Information Center. 

For year round information on the Irish community in Boston, including pubs, gift shops, festivals, parades, concerts and cultural activities,  visit 

For visitor information, go to MassVacation or BostonUSA.


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