Mayor Honey Fitz Fitzgerald Holds New Year's Day Reception at Boston City Hall in 1907

Boston Mayor John "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald started a new tradition of ringing in the New Year by holding a reception at Boston City Hall on Tuesday, January 1, 1907. The Boston Globe wrote on January 2, “When the mayor announced the he would hold a reception among the lines of those held in the national capitol and other cities of the union, few regarded it seriously. It had never been attempted before, and of course, to be attempted now in sedate old Boston was regarded as nothing short of a desperate plunge with no reward in sight to warrant it." Between the hours of noon and 2:00 p.m., over 4500 people attended, and it was deemed a success, noted the report. Among the Bostonians who turned out to greet Mayor Ftizgerald: President Toland of the Charitable Irish Society , Herbert Carruth, deputy commissioner of the Penal Institution, Colonel Roger F. Scannell, “late defeated candidate of the Board of Alderman,” Henri Flammond, the French consul, Jeremiah...