Irish Social Club in W. Roxbury Holds Firefighters Fleadh on Sunday, June 8
The Irish Social Club of Boston is holding an all day Firefighters Fleadh on
Sunday, June 8, 2014, to raise funds for the families of firefighters,
including firefighter
Michael R. Kennedy of Ladder 15 and Lieutenant Edward J. Walsh of Engine 33,
who lost their lives as Engine 33 battled a nine-alarm fire in Boston’s
Back Bay neighborhood.
The event runs from noon to midnight, and suggested donation
is $20.00. There are raffle drawings, dance lessons and continuous entertainment, food and beverage.
A number of great local Irish bands, singers and dancers are
performing, including appearances by Pauline Wells and Sean Gilmartin. Here is the schedule:
Auld Locals Noon
Colm O'Brien 1:00
Irish Whispa 2:00
Boston 's Erin's Og 3:00
Erin's Guild 4:00
Devri 6:00
The Old Brigade 7:00
The Fenian Sons 8:00
Silver Spears 9:00
Colm O'Brien 1:00
Irish Whispa 2:00
Erin's Guild 4:00
Devri 6:00
The Old Brigade 7:00
The Fenian Sons 8:00
Silver Spears 9:00
Here is a brief
history of the Irish Social Club. You can follow the Irish Social Club on
For more about the Irish community in greater Boston , visit
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