Irish Land League Advocate Michael Davitt Speaks in Boston on December 5, 1886

Irish republican and agrarian activist Michael Davitt spoke at the Boston Theatre on December 5, 1886 before a sold-out standing-room-only audience. 

The son of parents who were evicted from their home, Davitt was introduced by Boston Irish leader and U.S. Congressman Patrick Collins, who praised Davitt, creator of the Land League, for "turning his own misfortune into glory."

Davitt described his efforts “to band together tenant farmers of Ireland in the Land League to defend their homes and earnings from the rapacity of an idle and non-producing landlord class." 

He spoke of Irish farmers, who "cling with tenacity to their land, for the reason that they have no other means of livelihood." He described how the land league issue had turned around public perception of the Ireland-England struggle, saying:

 “A few years ago the Irish question was involved in obscurity: today the whole world is discussing its merits.  A few years ago most civilized nations, not excepting America, sympathized as much, if not more, with England, for having a turbulent people on her hands with the Irish.  Today the position is reversed and Ireland has the symphony and good will, I believe, of most civilized nations in her righteous struggle.”

 The following day, David met at Parker’s Hotel on School Street in Boston with 25 members of the Philo-Celtic Society, where he was joined by Congressman Collins, Boston Mayor Hugh O’Brien and Irish leader John Boyle O’Reilly.  

Prior to visiting Boston, Davitt traveled to Newburyport, MA, where he was greeted at City Hall by Mayor Dame and other prominent citizens, along with the AOH of Newburyport and Amesbury. He was accompanied by John Boyle O'Reilly.  Davitt also traveled to Worcester,  Providence and Newport during his speaking tour through New England. 


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